LED жарнак экранын орнотуунун беш кадамы

алып келген видео дисплей панели (3)

LED санариптик экрандын өнүгүү тарыхы бар 20 Кытайда жыл. Бул салыштырмалуу жетилген көндүмдөрү бар тармак катары каралып, медиа жарнамалык тармактарда кеңири колдонулат.. LED электрондук экранды орнотуу кызматкерлери мыкты көндүмдөрдү өздөштүрүү керек. жалпысынан, төмөнкү беш орнотуу жараянын өздөштүрүү үчүн LED электрондук экран орнотуу үчүн зарыл.

1. Алдын ала сурамжылоодо, бул негизги салыштыруу. The screen body should be planned according to the on-site construction conditions.
3. For the installation of LED electronic screen, customers may know about the construction of steel structure. жалпысынан, they don’t know much about the routing and splicing of LED electronic screen. ошондуктан, it is necessary to have professional engineers for guidance, and the screen operators of the other party are required to participate in order to know more about the screen.
4. Steel frame plan: generally, ичинде 3-5 days after signing the contract, the LED electronic screen installation engineer will plan the steel frame structure to the construction party according to the site conditions and the practical conditions of the LED electronic screen. Келечекте, the construction party will purchase relevant materials according to the drawings and plan the steel structure fabrication.
5. Skill training of LED electronic screen. In the process of screen production, customers can send people to the LED electronic screen manufacturer to learn the skills of LED electronic screen operation and simple spare parts replacement.
Mastering the above installation process also requires the engineering installation personnel to have professional common sense and rich LED electronic screen installation experience, so as to escort your LED electronic screen.

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