L-applikazzjoni intelliġenti tal-iskrin tal-wiri LED hija l-iżvilupp li jmiss

Prezzijiet P10-reklamar ta 'barra-led-display-screen-prezzijiet

Bl-iżvilupp kontinwu u l-progress tat-teknoloġija tal-wiri LED, illum, the LED display screen has been able to compete with LCD, DLP advertising media products in the market. From the initial display of a single color, font, to now can display pictures, videos, three-dimensional animation and other multimedia information, but also human-screen interaction, the progress of LED display technology is amazing!

Bhalissa, il Wirja tal-ħajt LED industry is changing from rough development to fine production, and the pace of shuffling is also accelerating. The improvement of the degree of centralization has given birth to large enterprises and high-quality brands. Fil-futur, the industry will be more centralized and the pattern will continue to change. Fis-snin riċenti, industrial manufacturing has been gradually separated from traditional manual manufacturing. Some manufacturers have realized intelligent integrated manufacturing by using intelligent production equipment. Inbidlu minn “manifattura” biex “manifattura intelliġenti”. Bhalissa, huwa pjuttost li jħares 'il quddiem. Fil-futur, ħafna intrapriżi se jkollhom rwol akbar fl - 2008 “manifattura intelliġenti”.

Illum il-ġurnata, l-intrapriżi qegħdin kontinwament jistinkaw għal skoperti fil-kwistjoni ta ' “manifattura intelliġenti”, li huwa sostnut bil-qawwa mill-politiki nazzjonali. Il - laqgħa eżekuttiva preċedenti tal - Kunsill ta 'l - Istat adottat “Ippjanar għall-Istandardizzazzjoni u t-Titjib tal-Kwalità tal-Industrija tal-Manifattura tat-Tagħmir”, sejħa għall - irmiġġ ta ' “Magħmul fiċ-Ċina 2025”, which will further lead the upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry. Implementing “manifattura intelliġenti” and promoting standardization in key areas such as robots to achieve new breakthroughs. Faced with the concept of “manifattura intelliġenti” sweeping the world and the concept of “manifattura intelliġenti” deepening, the manufacturing industry of Wiri tal-iskrin tal-LED has fully realized the importance of “manifattura intelliġenti” fis-snin riċenti, and peeped into the business opportunities of “manifattura intelliġenti” u “smart application” Skrin tal-wiri tal-LED. Many enterprises of LED display screen have made some practices on the application of LED intelligence, which are embodied in many aspects, such as family intelligence. Applikazzjonijiet, Business Intelligence Applications, eċċ.

L-ewwel, the research and development of home intelligent application technology makes “intelliġenza” available.

2. The clock on the wall is a huge LED display. It can automatically tell the time and provide you with alarm wake-up service. It only needs voice setting to complete.

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